В Германии планируется выдавать "сертификат иммунитета". интересный опыт.

"Germany will issue coronavirus antibody certificates to allow quarantined to re-enter society
Researchers to test thousands for immunity as Berlin plans exit strategy for pandemic lock down

German researchers plan to introduce coronavirus ‘immunity certificates’ to facilitate a proper transition into post-lockdown life, as Chancellor Angela Merkel’s handling of the crisis has led to a boost in the polls.
The antibodies will indicate that the test participants have had the virus, have healed and are thereby ready to re-enter society and the workforce. The researchers plan to test 100,000 members of the public at a time, issuing documentation to those who have overcome the virus.
The researchers will use the information to determine how to properly end the county’s lockdown, including re-opening schools and allowing mass gatherings.
The immunity certificates are part of a research project being carried out at the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research in Braunschweig in coming weeks which will conduct blood tests to look for antibodies produced against the novel coronavirus in the general public, reports German magazine Der Spiegel...." (с)